Connect, Unify & Protect Content with Collabspace ARCHIVE
Let Your Data Be Your Strength, Not Your Weakness
Collabspace ARCHIVE is a data protection application that enables cross-system content access, auditing, recovery, and search.
Content connectors automatically stream and index your files into a data lake in real-time to achieve
comprehensive visibility, multi-level permissioned access and effective collaboration.
- Transparently archive electronic & email data from multiple systems into a data lake.
- Protect data lake content using fortified Collabspace WORM Storage (Write Once Read Many).
- Maintain access to your data in the event of a source system outage or ransomware attack. .
- Recover data for users, or delegate permission for them to recover data directly.
- View all audit activities including additions, updates, views, downloads & more.
- Meet FDA, FINRA, FOIA, FRCP, HIPAA, IIROC, PIPEDA, SEC, and SOX regulatory requirements.
Unified Archive with a Data Lake
Demo: How to Restore Deleted Content
Archive, Search & Export
Collabspace Information Governance Suite
Quickly Rollout Cloud Apps Based On What You Need. Scale When You’re Ready.
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Collabspace ARCHIVE Features
Maintain transparency and business continuity. Built on Microsoft Azure, we’ve added further security and compliance controls to enable cross-system data access, auditing, recovery, and search capabilities:
Collabspace ARCHIVE Features
Maintain transparency and business continuity. Built on Microsoft Azure, we’ve added further security and compliance controls to enable cross-system data access, auditing, recovery, and search capabilities:
Cross-Platform Archive, Search & Export
Multiple Content Sources? Get connected to all of them in 1 view.
Customer Success: Streamlined Archive Integration of Email, SAP & SharePoint
EBSCO Industries
Read through this in-depth report on how EBSCO Industries, a multi-business conglomerate headquartered in Alabama, transitioned to a scalable cloud archive and reduced their risk profile and burden on IT tickets. They’ve also achieved a seamless integration between Outlook, SAP & SharePoint.
We go over all of the challenges that lead to a breaking point, their hunt for a solution and how they are now relying on Collabware's cloud product to not only mitigate risk, save costs, and take pressure off of the IT team, but empower internal staff to work more autonomously, and take advantage of the efficient search capabilities.
Click the button below for instant access to the 7-page Collabware Case Study and Collabspace Software Review.
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Considering the Cloud?
Get in touch to see how Collabspace can increase efficiency, compliance and collaboration. 1-855-268-0442
Connectors stream content from siloed systems into a data lake for complete multi-platform visibility.